Why is Peter the Rock on Which Christ found His Church? What does it mean that Peter was given the Keys of Christ’s Kingdom? Peter is considered the first pope – why is this important? What is papal infallibility?
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Did Christ establish a visible Church with the Apostles as the first leaders succeeded by other appointed men?
Click on the image of St. Peter’s Basilica to learn more!
What does the Church mean by Sacred Scripture and Sacred Scripture? Why does the Catholic Church not use only the Bible and also uses Tradition to learn the truths given to us by Jesus Christ?
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Why do we call Catholic priests “father”? Is that contrary to Scripture? Why do Roman Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy?
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Why do Catholics ask for intercessory prayers from the Saints in heaven? And why do Catholics pray even for those who have died and how does this relate to Purgatory?
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What do Catholics believe about Mary? Why do Catholics honor her? Can you explain the doctrines of Mary – the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption and Perpetual Virginity?
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Where do we find that Jesus Christ gave us the Sacraments in Sacred Scripture? What are the seven Sacraments and what is the importance of each?
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Some Objections Raised to the Teaching of the Primacy of Peter
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The Destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70
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Do Catholics worship statues? Not at all! Worship is for God alone but many have questions about this topic.
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The Great Persecution of Christians and the Emperor Constantine – what happened during this time? Who was Constantine? What was his role in ending Christian persecutions?
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Who are the early Church Fathers? Why are they important? What do these men teach us about the Christian faith?
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What is typology? How does understanding this method of revelation help us to learn the faith more deeply?
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When Catholics pray, are we using “vain repetitions” which Christ rebukes in the Gospels?
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What is the Bible? Where did we get the Bible?
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What are the Crusades? There are many myths and misunderstandings about these events.
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In the almost 2000 year history of the Church, Pope Francis is the 266th pope. There have been many holy men holding this office, many who are now Saints of the Church, but there have also been some who were immoral. Some refer to these as the “bad popes” but what does this mean? What significance if any does this have?
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What is papal infallibility? This is an important teaching that is often misunderstood.
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Who was Martin Luther? What is the story of his revolt from the Church?
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What are indulgences? These are widely misunderstood.
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Who are some of the first men who revolted from the Church in addition to Martin Luther? What is the timeline?
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What is the Church? And did Christ truly establish a Church – singular?
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St. Paul wrote more New Testament books than any other person but he is often misunderstood. One common source for confusion and misinterpretation is when Paul speaks of “works of the law.” How can we better understand what Paul means with this phrase?
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